Excel 365 with JAWS for Windows Training Course Syllabus

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Class One

  • Open Excel
  • Configure Excel 
  • Workbooks and Worksheets:
  • Navigate and Read Worksheets
  • Insert Cell Data
  • Edit Cells

Class Two

  • Title Row or Column
  • JAWS Title Reading
  • Select Cells
  • Cut, Copy, and Paste Data
  • Cell Ranges

Class Three

  • Font Attributes
  • Alignment
  • Text Cropping
  • Adjust Column Width and Row Height
  • Total Rows and columns
  • Autofit

Class Four

  • Formulas
  • Functions
  • Algebraic Equations
  • Hyperlinks

Class Five

  • Insert Cells, Rows, and columns
  • Delete Cells, Rows, and Columns
  • Insert and Manage Worksheets
  • Delete Worksheets
  • Reference Cells in other Worksheets
  • Absolute and Relative Reference

Class Six

  • CellMarkers
  • JAWS Monitor Cells
  • Merge Cells
  • Goal Seek
  • Sort a Data Region

Class Seven

  • Database
  • Filter a Database
  • JAWS Filtered Columns And Rows Detection
  • Hide Rows and Columns
  • Unhide Rows and Columns

Class Eight

  • Charts
  • Manage Charts