All graduates of the Access Technology Trainer Certification Course are eligible to receive continuing support, materials, and training free of charge from Access Technology Institute. The benefits of graduates from the Access Technology Trainers Course include, but are not limited to:
- Access to the Certified Trainers Mailing List
- Complimentary copies of trainer component textbooks
- Access to trainer component classes
- Continuing training opportunities
These services are available to all graduates who abide by the code of conduct outlined below.
- No graduate of ATI will plagiarize or share materials from ATI for their own use or in their training of others (this includes sharing with current or future graduates of the course) without the express written permission of Access Technology Institute.
- No graduate of ATI will take material from the ATI website and place it on their own website. Linking to the ATI site is encouraged and supported. At no time are students allowed to take material from the site and place it on their own websites.
- Graduates will maintain professional conduct on the Internet and in all business dealings. Any behavior that may reflect in a negative fashion on ATI by a graduate will be grounds for removal of continuing services.
- Graduates will maintain a professional demeano on Social Media including: YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, Rumble, Clubhouse, and all other Internet platforms
- Graduates will treat all staff and instructors (future and present) of ATI with respect in all correspondence. Any threatening, harassing or correspondence deemed unprofessional that is sent to a representative of ATI may result in the removal of some or all graduate privileges.
Violation of any of the above will result in immediate revocation of all current and future graduate services.
Services are available to graduates for the duration of ATI’s existence. Upon the dissolution or sale of the company, graduate services are not guaranteed.
This code of conduct may be amended at any time without notice. You are encouraged to visit this page often.