An Immersion into ZoomText Table of Contents

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  • Access Technology Institute, LLC Copyright Notice
  • The ZoomText User Interface
  • Navigate the ZoomText User Interface
  • The ZoomText Menu
  • ZoomText Magnifier or Magnifier/Reader
  • ZoomText Startup Wizard
    • ZoomText Startup Options
  • Save the Default Configuration
  • Restore Factory Default Configurations
  • ZoomText Quick Access Bar
    • Access the Quick Access Bar
    • Customize the Quick Access Bar
  • ZoomText User Interface Configurations
  • Toggle ZoomText and ZoomText Speech
    • Layered Keyboard Commands
  • Focus vs. View
    • Move the Mouse to View or View to Mouse
  • ZoomText Bypass Key
  • Adjust Screen Magnification
  • Adjust the Reading Rate
  • Voice Settings
  • Select a Zoom Window
  • Zoom Window Settings
  • Adjust Window Sizes
  • Scroll the Display
  • ZoomText Command Keys
  • Layered Keyboard Commands:
  • Navigate and Read Text
  • AppReader
    • AppReader App View
    • App View Reading Commands
    • App View Settings
    • Text View
    • AppReader Toolbar
    • AppReader Text View Settings
    • AppReader Shared Settings
  • The SpeakIt Tool
  • Reading Zones
    • Create a Reading Zone
    • The Reading Zone dialog
    • Editing Reading Zone Boundaries
    • Reading Zone Commands
  • ZoomText Enhancements
    • Color Enhancements
      • ZoomText User Interface Color Options
      • Color Enhancement Settings
    • Pointer Enhancements
      • ZoomText User Interface:
      • Custom Pointer Enhancements
    • Cursor Enhancements
      • ZoomText User Interface
      • Cursor Enhancement Settings
    • Focus Enhancements
      • ZoomText User Interface
      • Focus Enhancement Settings
    • Navigation Options
      • Tracking
      • Alignment
      • Mouse Alignment
      • Panning
      • Keyboard Echo
      • Mouse Echo
    • ZoomText Verbosity
    • ZoomText Command Keys
      • Command Key Search
      • Command Key List
      • Assign Hot Key
      • Import Hot Keys
      • Assign Configuration Files
      • Disable Selected Hot Keys
      • Reset Selected Hot Keys
    • Banner Settings
    • Application Configurations
      • Save Application Configurations
      • Manage Application Configurations
      • Manage Application Settings
    • Freeze View
      • Create a Freeze View
      • Toggle Freeze View
      • Freeze View Settings
    • Overview Mode
      • Overview Mode Settings
    • Background Reader
    • Select Text with the Keyboard
    • Selecting Text with the Mouse
    • Copy Text to the Windows Clipboard
    • Launch Background Reader
      • Background Reader Settings
    • Finder
      • Page Search
      • List Search
      • Finder Settings
      • Finder Voice Settings
    • ZoomText Recorder
    • ZoomText Camera
      • Compatible Cameras
      • Camera Settings
      • Use the Camera
    • Voice Assist
      • Voice Assist Settings
      • Activate Voice Assist
      • Disable Voice Assist

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